Friday, May 31, 2019
Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media by Susan Dou
Where the Girls Are Growing Up Female with the survey Media by Susan Douglas In Where the girls be Growing Up Female With the Mass Media, Susan Douglas analyses the effects of skunk media on women of the nineteen fifties, and more importantly on the teenage girls of the baby boom era. Douglas explains why women have been torn in self-contradictory directions and are still struggling today to identify themselves and their roles. Douglas recounts and dissects the ambiguous messages imprinted on the feminine psyche via the media. Douglas maintains that feminism is a direct result of the realization that mass media is a deliberate and calculated aggression against women. While the media seemingly begins to acknowledge the power of women, it purposely sets out to redefine women and the qualities by which they should define themselves. The contradictory messages receive by women leave women not only in a love/ abominate relationship with the media, but also in a love/hate rel ationship with themselves. As early as the nineteen fifties women were identified and targeted as a market. In a consumer culture the most important things are consumers. Advertisers convinced homemakers that in order to be a good wife and mother you must have their products and appliances to keep a clean and perfect home. The jeering of this ploy is that consumers must have money to buy, and so trying to improve their quality as homemakers, off into the workforce women went. This paradox left women ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Mandatory Sentencing Essay examples -- Criminal Justice
Mandatory sentencing is not anything new. It began in the 1970s. The main purpose for authorisation sentencing was to try to get rid of the drug lords and to eliminate most of the nations street drug selling. It was to impose that the same crime would have the same sentence all all over the nation. Some of the negatives that rose from mandatory sentencing were nonviolent drug offenders and first time offenders who were receiving harsh sentences. Inmate populations and correction costs increased and pushed states to build more prisons. adjudicate were overloaded with these cases, and lengthy prison terms were mandated to these young offenders. Mandatory sentencing is an interesting topic in which I would like to discuss my opinions in going against mandatory sentencing. I will pose the reasons for this topic, as well as give you my personal brief on which I support. To begin, Mandatory minimum sentences result in prison overcrowding, and based on several studies, it does not alle viate crime, for example crimes such as shoplifting or solicitation. These sentencing guidelines do not allow a judge to take into consideration the first time offender, differentiate the deviance level of the offender, and it does not allow for the judge to alter a punishment or judgment to each individual case. When mandatory sentencing came into effect, the drug lords they were trying to stop ar not the ones being affected by the sentences. It is the nonviolent, low-level drug users who are overcrowding the prisons as a result of these sentences. Both the U.S. Sentencing Commission and the Department of Justice have determined that mandatory sentencing is not an effective way to deter crime. Studies show that mandatory minimums have gone downhill due to racial a... ... OUT OF GET TOUGH JUSTICE? Criminology & Public Policy, 5(1), 37-43. Retrieved December 6, 2010, from Criminal Justice Periodicals. (Document ID 1016637721). DELIBERATING law-breaking AND PUNISHMENT A WAY OUT OF GET TOUGH JUSTICE? Criminology & Public Policy, 5(1), 37-43. Retrieved November 23, 2010, from Criminal Justice Periodicals. (Document ID 1016637721).Oct 1993. Retrieved November 18, 2010. Vol. 79. 134 pages (Document ID 0747-0088) Published by American Bar associationMandatory Sentencing Laws and Drug Offenders in New York State. Retrieved November 15, 2010, from http// Compiled by Anonymous , The Correctional Association of New York. March 1999.Cindy Swirko. (2010). Florida drug sentences too harsh? Retrieved November 15, 2010 from http// bind/20100814/articles/8141011.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Riddles :: essays research papers
1.     Can you differentiate three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday?Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow2.     What falls just now never breaks? What breaks but never falls?Night and Day3.     Wat is black when u buy it, red when u use it, and gray when u throw it away? charcoal grey4.     Woman shoots her husband, holds him underwater for 5minutes, and finally hangs him. They were seen five minutes later. How is it possibleThe woman was a photographer, took a picture, developed it, and hung it up.5.     The word candy can be spelled in two letters. C and Y6.     Name an English word of more than 2 letters that both begins and ends with the letters "he" in that order. at that place are two possible answers. "hehe" is not acceptable. haha Headache or Heartache.7.     Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. lay8.     Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. And whoever knows it wants it not. Counterfeit money9.     Why is six afraid of sevenBecause seven eight nine10.     Johnnys mother had three children. The first was April, the second was May. What was the name of her third child?.Johnny11.     Why is it against the law for a man living in North Carolina to be buried in South Carolina?Because he is quieten living12.     There was an airplane crash, every single person died, but two people survived. How is this possible?They were married13.     That attorney is my brother, testified the accountant. But the attorney testified he didnt have a brother. Who is lying?The accountant was his sister14.     A man and his son were in an aut omobile accident. The man died on the way to the hospital, but the male child was rushed into surgery. The emergency room surgeon said "I cant operate, thats my son" How is this possible?The mother was the surgeon.15.     Forewards it is heavy, backwards it is notTon16.     The more you feed it, The more it grows high,But if you give it waterIt shall quickly DieFire17.     The Begining of eternity, the end of space, the begining of every end, The end of every place.The letter E18.     What starts with P, ends with E, and has thousands of letters in it?...Post slur19.     Ten copycats were sitting on a bridge. One jumped off, how many were left?None they were copycats20.     What state is inside another state?Arkansas21.     What state is sound of color?Colorado22.     What state has 2,000 pounds of dirty laundry?Wa shington23.     What state makes you feel bad?
Dress and Food During World War II :: essays research papers
Quite a range of fashion shifts occurred during and after World state of war II. Some of the major changes included an increasing shift to casual dress, less elaborate fashions, and the disappearance of knickers. Short pants began to be worn as summer attire, and American boys stop wearing knee socks and long stockings. Short hairstyles become popular for boys in America after the War. Anything using vast amounts of cloth or thought unnecessary were not allowed, such as leg-of-mutton sleeves, aprons, overskirts, decorative trim, patch pockets and petticoats. Mens suits consisted of two-piece suitsa jacket and pants without cuffs, although before 1942 they consisted of quadruple piecestwo pairs of pants, a vest and a double-breasted jacket. (Feldman) The war, bringing on many civilian shortages, substitution became a way of life stateside, affecting chance(a) life. Even though, powder, eye makeup and lipsticks were considered necessary for persevering wartime spirits, some ingred ients were no longer available. Military and civilian provisions included the same manpower, facilities and fibers. The government cute to conserve materials to prevent shortages and also keep the prices up, without harming standing industries. Private citizens had to adjust any new clothing to the conditions with very few exceptions. These were notthe only changes world made. There were changes in the diet supplies also. The Nazis made the living conditions in the Warsaw Ghetto as terrible as possible. There were curfews, and guards were put on duty at all times near the walls to make sure no Jews escaped from the ghetto. Many Jews suffered from unemployment and diseases. A typhus epidemic, which killed many Jews, broke out about a year after the ghetto was created. Due to low food rationing, many Jews starved to death. Some chose to kill themselves because they could not stand the physical and emotional pain anymore. From the piece that the Jews were isolated from the Polish s ociety and were surrounded by a fence, their food distribution was entirely controlled by the Germans. A strict food rationing was in effect. A working person was given food rationing that was sufficient barely for one person. In order to feed the sick and the old, they were put on the list of the producing people and their relatives had to cover for them by working even longer hours and producing a larger quota. The quantity of allocated food was insufficient and many basic food items were non existent in the ghetto.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Organized Crime Essay -- Criminals Mafia Essays Papers
Organized Crime Organized crime has al focussings been occupied with a negative label. Perhaps this is due to the constantly changing environment in America as well as the social state of its homeland, Europe. Our society is win over that the so-called Mafia is a family of pure criminals, pimps, and murderers. Whatever the opinion, there is no doubt that the Mafia played a big part in the annals of America and the way Americans view crime today. The origins of the secret society kn consume as the Mafia are believed to be as old as the 9th degree Celsius (Mafia History). During the 9th century, the Mafias main purpose was to strengthen themselves against enemies, which invaded their homeland in Sicily. It was supposed to create a strong feeling of togetherness between all Sicilians. This idea of family was carried by means of in the structure of the organization, which had a strong hierarchical layout (Mafia History). The Mafia is said by many to suffer perhaps the best system of power, than any other collection or government known today. One can compare a physical representation of the family almost to a family tree dated all the way back through many generations. Certain people operated the system, merely without the help of the people with the less power, the Mafia would be very weak. To put it another way, a leader cannot lead without followers, and the followers cannot follow without leaders. This is why the Mafia was hard to overcome. Although when many think of the location of the Mafia, Chicago and New York often come to mind, but actually the Mafia has been traced back through 26 major cites in America. Within every city were many Mafia families each with it?s own government. At the head of each family stood the Dons or Bosses. Next in line to the Dons was the Underbosses, who were second in command. Followed by the Consigliere or counselors. And last were the men who did the dirty make for for the Mob, the Soldiers. The Soldiers were the one?s who would enforce discipline over both members and non-members through the use of intimidation, assaults, and murder (Living Large 3). All the members of the society were expected to go through a ceremony that often was compared to the baptism ceremony. The induction ceremony is the most important day of a mobster?s life, the day that they become full members of La Cosa Nostra (Mafia Life). The ceremony for the newcomers was som... ...sition of the Mob, and the Mafia is known for making comebacks in a hurry. For example, the highpoint of the Mafia was said to be in the 1920?s, and slowly it decreased until the end of World war II when organized crime came back with much stronger than when the war started. This shows a good understanding of what the Mafia is capable of doing in short periods of time. The men who have tried to get rid of the Mafia time in and time out have made some progress. Responsible groups of Americans have, at times, waged campaigns in the media to bolt down any assumption that crime is dominated by people of Italian descent, claiming that existence of an American Mafia had not been fully established (Mafia Image). The opinions will disagree in that sense. Some say that the Mafia is a vast organization that continues to grow in power, while others say that if the mafia still exists to this day, the old ship canal of organized crime will never be the same as it has been in this century. The desire, need, brutality, wisdom, and style of what we know as the Mafia only exists in books and movies. No matter the opinion, the Mafia still claims the place in American History if it still exists or not.
Organized Crime Essay -- Criminals Mafia Essays Papers
Organized Crime Organized aversion has al dashs been occupied with a negative label. by chance this is due to the constantly changing environment in America as well as the social state of its homeland, Europe. Our society is convinced that the so-called maffia is a family of pure criminals, pimps, and murderers. Whatever the opinion, there is no doubt that the mafia played a big part in the history of America and the way Americans view crime today. The origins of the secret society known as the mafia are believed to be as old as the 9th century (maffia History). During the 9th century, the Mafias main declare oneself was to strengthen themselves against enemies, which invaded their homeland in Sicily. It was supposed to create a strong feeling of to impartherness between all Sicilians. This idea of family was carried through with(predicate) in the structure of the organization, which had a strong hierarchical layout (Mafia History). The Mafia is said by many to have perhaps the best system of power, than any other group or regime known today. One can compare a physical representation of the family almost to a family tree dated all the way back through many generations. Certain people operated the system, but without the help of the people with the less power, the Mafia would be very weak. To put it another way, a reader cannot lead without followers, and the followers cannot follow without leaders. This is why the Mafia was hard to overcome. Although when many think of the location of the Mafia, Chicago and New York often come to mind, but actually the Mafia has been traced back through 26 major cites in America. Within every city were many Mafia families each with it?s own government. At the spot of each family stood the Dons or Bosses. Next in line to the Dons was the Underbosses, who were second in command. Followed by the Consigliere or counselors. And last were the men who did the dirty work for the Mob, the Soldiers. The Soldiers were the one?s w ho would enforce discipline over both members and non-members through the use of intimidation, assaults, and murder (Living Large 3). All the members of the society were expected to go through a eucharist that often was compared to the baptism ceremony. The induction ceremony is the most important day of a mobster?s life, the day that they become full members of La Cosa Nostra (Mafia Life). The ceremony for the newcomers was som... ...sition of the Mob, and the Mafia is known for making comebacks in a hurry. For example, the highpoint of the Mafia was said to be in the 1920?s, and slowly it decreased until the end of World War II when make crime came back with much stronger than when the war started. This shows a good understanding of what the Mafia is capable of doing in short periods of time. The men who have tried to get rid of the Mafia time in and time out have made some progress. Responsible groups of Americans have, at times, waged campaigns in the media to obliterate any self-confidence that crime is dominated by people of Italian descent, claiming that existence of an American Mafia had not been fully established (Mafia Image). The opinions will differ in that sense. nigh say that the Mafia is a vast organization that continues to grow in power, while others say that if the mafia still exists to this day, the old ways of organized crime will never be the same as it has been in this century. The desire, need, brutality, wisdom, and style of what we know as the Mafia only exists in books and movies. No matter the opinion, the Mafia still claims the place in American History if it still exists or not.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Anomie: Sociology and People
Anomie describes a lack of mixer norms norm littleness. It describes the breakdown of favor subject bonds surrounded by an serviceman-to-man and their community, if under unruly scenarios possibly resulting in fragmentation of social identity and rejection of self-regulatory determine. It was popularized by French sociologist Emile Durkheim in his influential book Suicide (1897). Durkheim borrowed the intelligence activity from French philosopher Jean-Marie Guyau. Durkheim never uses the enclosure normlessness rather, he describes anomy as a rule that is a lack of rule, de picturement, and an insatiable will.For Durkheim, anomie arises more generally from a mismatch between someoneal or group standards and wider social standards, or from the lack of a social ethic, which produces moral deregulation and an absence of legitimate aspirations. This is a nurtured condition Anomie in common parlance is thought to mean something like at loose ends. The Oxford English mental lexico n lists a range of definitions, beginning with a disregard of divine law, through the 19th and 20th century sociological terms meaning an absence of accepted social standards or values.Most sociologists associate the term with Durkheim, who used the concept to speak of the ways in which an individuals actions be matched, or integrated, with a outline of social norms and practices Durkheim as well formally posited anomie as a mismatch, non simply as the absence of norms. Thus, a society with too lots rigidity and little individual discretion could also produce a kind of anomie, a mismatch between individual circumstances and larger social mores. Thus, fatalistic suicide arises when a person is too rule-g everyplacened, when in that respect is no free horizon of expectation. Durkheim attempts to beg off the function of the division of delve, and makes the observation that it creates social viscidity. The industrial revolution, of course, produced great tension and turmoil, and Durkheim taked this. He resolved the contradiction by developing the notion of anomie. Anomie is usually translated as normlessness, but it best understood as insufficient prescriptive regulation. During periods of rapid social change, individuals some periods experience alienation from group goals and values. They lose sight of their sh atomic number 18d interests found on mutual dependence. In this condition, they are less constrained by group norms.Normative values become generalized, rather than personally embraced. The Sociological liking (1959), which is considered Mills most influential book on the sociology profession, describes a creative thinker-set for studying sociology the sociological imagination that stresses being able to connect individual experiences and societal relationships. Mills asserts that a critical task for social scientists is to translate close troubles into public issues, which is something that it is very difficult for ordinary citizens to do. Sociologists, then, rightly connect their autobiographical, personal challenges to social establishments.Social scientists should then connect those institutions to social structure(s) and locate them within a historic narrative. The three comp unrivallednts that form the sociological imagination are History how a society came to be and how it is changing and how level is being make in it chronicle the nature of clemente nature in a society what kinds of nation inhabit a particular society Social Structure how the various institutional orders in a society operate, which unrivaleds are dominant, how they are held together, how they might be changing, etc. The Promise Of Sociology C.Wright Mills Men now days often savor that their lives are a series of traps. They feel in their worlds they cant overcome their troubles. According to Mills this is correct. You cannot understand the spiritedness of an individual or the history of society without brain both. lot do no t see how the changes in history affect them. The do not see how the ups and downs they experience in their lives are affected by their society. People do not see the nexus that exists between the patterns in their lives and the course of history. People need a quality of mind to use information to develop reason to make connections between what is going on in the world and what is happening to themselves. He calls this the Sociological Imagination. Sociological Imagination allows us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. That is both its task and its promise. This is the purpose of word formical social analysts. The most measurable distinction is between the issues and the troubles. Issues- hold up to do with matters that transcend these local surroundingss of the individual and the range of his inner life. Troubles- occur within the character of the individual and within his range of his immediate relations with others. It has to do with his self and with those areas of social life in which he is directly and personally aware. The sociological imagination is supposed to answer man to understand that what is happening to themselves is a result of intersections of history and biography within their society.Class consciousness is a term used in social sciences and governmental theory, in particular Marxism, to refer to the beliefs that a person holds regarding ones social class or economical rank in society, the structure of their class, and their class interests. Defining a persons social class can be a determinant for his awareness of it. Marxists define classes on the basis of their relation to the means of production especially on whether they own capital. Non-Marxist social scientists distinguish various social strata on the basis of income, occupation, or status.Early in the nineteenth century, the labels working classes and middle classes were already coming into common us succession. The old inh erited aristocracy, reinforced by the new gentry who owed their success to commerce, industry, and the professions, evolved into an swiftness class. Its consciousness was formed in part by public schools (in the British superstar) and Universities. The upper class tenaciously maintained control over the political system, depriving not only the working classes but the middle classes of a voice in the political process. Solidarity is the integration, and degree and type of integration, shown by a society or group with mountain and their neighbors. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people to one another. The term is generally employed in sociology and the other social sciences. What forms the basis of solidarity varies between societies. In simple societies it may be mainly based around chemical attraction and shared values. In more complex societies there are various theories as to what contributes to a sense of social solidarity.According to Emile Durkheim, the types o f social solidarity correlate with types of society. Durkheim introduced the terms robotic and organic solidarity as part of his theory of the development of societies in The Division of Labor in Society (1893). In a society exhibiting mechanical solidarity, its cohesion and integration comes from the homogeneity of individualspeople feel connected through similar work, educational and religious training, and lifestyle. Mechanical solidarity normally operates in traditional and small ordered series societies. In simpler societies (e. g. tribal), solidarity is usually based on kinship ties of familial networks. Organic solidarity comes from the interdependence that arises from specialization of work and the complementarities between peoplea development which occurs in modern and industrial societies. Definition it is social cohesion based upon the dependence individuals have on each other in more advanced societies. Although individuals do different tasks and often have different values and interest, the order and very solidarity of society depends on their reliance on each other to perform their stipulate tasks.Organic here is referring to the interdependence of the component parts. Thus, social solidarity is maintained in more complex societies through the interdependence of its component parts (e. g. , farmers produce the food to deplete the f pseudy workers who produce the tractors that allow the farmer to produce the food) mechanical and organic solidarity, in the theory of the French social scientist Emile Durkheim (18581917), the social cohesiveness of small, un identify societies (mechanical) and of societies differentiated by a relatively complex division of labour (organic).Mechanical solidarity is the social integration of members of a society who have common values and beliefs. These common values and beliefs constitute a collective conscience that works internally in individual members to answer them to cooperate. Because, in Durkheims dioram a, the forces causing members of society to cooperate were much like the internal energies causing the molecules to cohere in a solid, he drew upon the terminology of physical science in coining the term mechanical solidarity.In direct contrast to mechanical solidarity, organic solidarity is social integration that arises out of the need of individuals for one anothers services. In a society characterized by organic solidarity, there is relatively greater division of labour, with individuals functioning much like the interdependent but differentiated organs of a living body. Society relies less on imposing uniform rules on everyone and more on regulating the relations between different groups and persons, often through the greater use of contracts and laws. Durkheim dentified two major types of social integration, mechanical and organic. The former refers to integration that is based on shared beliefs and sentiments, while the latter refers to integration that results from special ization and interdependence. These types reflect different ways that societies organise themselves. Where there is little differentiation in the kinds of labor that individuals engage in, integration based on common beliefs is to be found in societies where work is highly differentiated, solidarity is the consequence of mutual dependence.The distinction reveals Durkheims thinking some how modern societies differ from earlier ones, and consequently, how solidarity changes as a society becomes more complex. Societies of mechanical solidarity tend to be relatively small and organized around kinship affiliations. Social relations are regulated by the shared system of beliefs, what Durkheim called the common conscience. Violations of social norms were interpreted as a direct threat to the shared identity, and so, reactions to deviance tended to empha size of it punishment. As a society becomes larger, division of labor increases.A complex organization of labor is necessary, in larger s ocieties, for the production of material life (as Marx suggested). Because people begin to specialize, the basis for the collective conscience is diminished. Solidarity based on the common belief system is no longer possible. Complexity does not lead to disintegration, Durkheim argued, but rather, to social solidarity based on interdependence. Since people are no longer producing all the things that they need, they moldiness interact. Integration results from a recognition that each needs the other. Societies of organic solidarity are arrange around economic and political organizations.Their legal systems regulate carriage based on principles of exchange and restitution, rather than punishment. Manifest and latent functions are social scientific concepts of sociology by Robert K. Merton. Merton appeared interested in sharpening the conceptual tools to be employed in a functional analysis. Manifest functions and dysfunctions are conscious and deliberate, the latent ones the unconsc ious and unintended. While functions are intended (manifest) or unintended (latent), and have a confirming notion on society, dysfunctions are unintended or unrecognized (latent) and have a negative effect on society.Manifest functions are the consequences that people ob swear out or expect. It is explicitly commonwealthd and understood by the participants in the relevant action. The manifest function of a rain dance, used as an moral by Merton in his 1967 Social Theory and Social Structure, is to produce rain, and this outcome is intended and desired by people participating in the ritual. Latent functions are those that are neither recognized nor intended. A latent function of a behavior is not explicitly stated, recognized, or intended by the people involved. Thus, they are identified observers.In the example of rain ceremony, the latent function reinforces the group identity by providing a regular opportunity for the members of a group to meet and engage in a common activity. Ideal type (German Idealtypus), also known as pure type, is a typological term most closely associated with antipositivist sociologist Max Weber (18641920). For Weber, the conduct of social science depends upon the construction of hypothetical concepts in the abstract. The ideal type is therefore a subjective element in social theory and research one of many subjective elements which necessarily distinguish sociology from natural science.An ideal type is formed from characteristics and elements of the given phenomena, but it is not meant to correspond to all of the characteristics of any one particular case. It is not meant to refer to perfect things, moral ideals nor to statistical averages but rather to stress certain elements common to most cases of the given phenomena. It is also distinguished to pay attention that in using the word ideal Max Weber refers to the world of ideas (German Gedankenbilder thoughtful pictures) and not to perfection these ideal types are idea-construc ts that help put the chaos of social reality in order.Weber himself wrote An ideal type is formed by the one-sided accentuation of one or more points of view and by the synthesis of a great many diffuse, discrete, more or less present and occasionally absent concrete individual phenomena, which are arranged according to those onesidedly emphasized viewpoints into a unified analytical construct It is a useful tool for comparative sociology in analyzing social or economic phenomena, having advantages over a very general, abstract idea and a specific historical example.It can be used to analyze both a general, suprahistorical phenomenon (like capitalism) or historically unique occurrences (like Webers own Protestant Ethics analysis). Webers three kinds of ideal types are distinguished by their levels of abstraction. First are the ideal types rooted in historical particularities, such as the western city, the Protestant Ethic, or modern capitalism, which refer to phenomena that appear only in specific historical periods and in particular heathen areas.A second kind involves abstract elements of social realitysuch concepts as bureaucracy or feudalismthat may be found in a variety of historical and cultural contexts. Finally, there is a third kind of ideal type, which Raymond Aron calls rationalizing reconstructions of a particular kind of behavior. According to Weber, all propositions in economic theory, for example, fall into this category. They all refer to the ways in which men would behave were they actuated by purely economic motives, were they purely economic men. Verstehen (German pronunciation f te ), in the context of German philosophy and social sciences in general, has been used since the late 19th century in English as in German with the particular sense of the interpretive or participatory examination of social phenomena. The term is closely associated with the work of the German sociologist, Max Weber, whose antipositivism established an alterna tive to former sociological positivism and economic determinism, rooted in the analysis of social action. In anthropology, Verstehen has come to mean a systematic interpretive process in which an outside observer of a culture attempts to relate to it and understand others.Verstehen is now seen as a concept and a method central to a rejection of positive social science (although Weber appeared to think that the two could be united). Verstehen refers to understand the meaning of action from the actors point of view. It is entering into the shoes of the other, and adopting this research stance requires treating the actor as a subject, rather than an object of your observations. It also implies that unlike objects in the natural world human actors are not simply the product of the pulls and pushes of external forces.Individuals are seen to create the world by organizing their own reason of it and giving it meaning. To do research on actors without taking into account the meanings t hey attribute to their actions or environment is to treat them like objects. Interpretative Sociology (verstehende Soziologie) is the study of society that concentrates on the meanings people associate to their social world. Interpretative society strives to show that reality is constructed by people themselves in their daily lives. There is also a tendency in modern English not to follow the German-language practice of capitalizing nouns.Verstehen roughly translates to meaningful understanding or putting yourself in the shoes of others to see things from their perspective. Interpretive sociology differs from scientific (or positivist) sociology in three ways Interpretive sociology deals with the meaning attached to behavior, unlike scientific sociology which focuses on action. Interpretive sociology sees reality as being constructed by people, unlike scientific sociology which sees an objective reality out there. Interpretive sociology relies on qualitative data, unlike scientific sociology which tends to make use of quantitative data.Functional Integration This refers to the interdependence among parts of a social system. Just as the human body is made up of interrelated parts each of which plays a role in maintaining the whole, so social systems are composed of interconnected parts that both incarnate and depend on one another. Each part has contributions to make if the sum is to work well. These contributions are its functions that is, functions are the effects that some social groups, event, or institution has within a system of relationships to other phenomena.Functionally integrated systems can also produce dysfunctions, or side-effects that are not good for the system. Pollution is a impaired consequence of our industrial system. Social Systems can also disintegrate. Like the old Soviet Union. Functional integration refers to the integration of values with systems of action and it therefore involves priorities and allocations of various value compon ent among proper occasion and relationshipsAs an institution changes, the others react to that change and compensate for it, thereby changing themselves in the process. But all the parts go on integrated into the single unit.Rational choice theory argues that social systems are organized in ways that structure the alternatives and consequences facing individuals so that they behave rationally. This allows them to best serve their self-interest within the constraints and resources that go with social systems and their status in them. Rational choice theory is the view that people behave as they do because they remember that performing their chosen actions has more benefits than costs. That is, people make rational choices based on their goals, and those choices govern their behavior. Some sociologists use rational choice theory to explain social change.According to them, social change occurs because individuals have made rational choices. For example, suppose many people begin to c onserve more energy, lowering thermostats and driving less. An story for this social change is that individual people have decided that conserving energy will help them achieve their goals (for example, save money and live more healthfully) and cause little inconvenience. Critics argue people do not always act on the basis of cost-benefit analyses. Culture This is the language, norms, values, beliefs, knowledge, and symbols that make up a way of life.It is the understanding of how to act that people share with one another in any stable, self-reproducing group. Participation in a culture makes possible a meaningful understanding of ones own actions and those of others. Without culture it would be hard to communicate. When one culture is particularly distinct and set apart from the rest it is called a subculture. Individuals may participate in more than one subculture. No one is ever cultureless, however, for sharing in some culture or combination of cultures is an essential part of what we think of as humans.Norms are the agreed-upon expectations and rules by which a culture guides the behavior of its members in any given situation. Of course, norms vary widely across cultural groups. Folkways, sometimes known as conventions or customs, are standards of behavior that are socially sanction but not morally significant. Mores are norms of morality. Breaking mores will offend most people of a culture. Finally, laws are a formal body of rules enacted by the state and backed by the power of the state. Social normsare group-held beliefs about how members should behave in a given context.Sociologistsdescribe norms as laws that govern societys behaviors. Folkways are often referred to as customs. They are standards of behavior that are socially approved but not morally significant. They are norms for everyday behavior that people follow for the sake of tradition or convenience. Breaking a folkway does not usually have serious consequences. Mores are strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior. Mores are norms based on definitions of right and wrong. Unlike folkways, mores are morally significant. People feel strongly about them and violating them typically results in disapproval.A law is a norm that is written down and enforced by an official law enforcement agency. A cultures values are its ideas about what is good, right, fair, and just. Sociologists disagree, however, on how to conceptualize values. Conflict theory focuses on how values differ between groups within a culture, while functionalism focuses on the shared values within a culture. For example, American sociologist Robert K. Merton suggested that the most important values in American society are wealth, success, power, and prestige, but that everyone does not have an equal opportunity to attain these values.Functional sociologist Talcott Parsons noted that Americans share the common value of the American work ethic, which encourages hard work. Other sociologists have propo sed a common loading of American values, including accomplishment, material success, problem-solving, reliance on science and technology, democracy, patriotism, charity, freedom, equality and justice, individualism, responsibility, and accountability. A culture, though, may harbor counterpointing values. For instance, the value of material success may conflict with the value of charity. Or the value of equality may conflict with the value of individualism.Such contradictions may exist due to an inconsistency between peoples actions and their professed values, which explains why sociologists must carefully distinguish between what people do and what they say. Joan Jacobs Brumberg is a social historian and academic. She lectures and writes about the experiences of adolescents through history until the present day. In the subject area of gender Studies, she has written about boys and violence, and girls and body image. Brumberg says that adolescence and childhood have been made mor e difficult for women due to the much earlier age of menarche than in the past.The average age at menstruation has dropped from 16 in 1890, to 12 while psychological development, she believes, has not accelerated. Also, consumer culture has added to peoples insecurities about their bodies. It is now normal and fashionable for girls to dress in a sexualized way. Jean Kilbourne, Ed. D. (born January 4, 1943) is a feminist author, speaker, and filmmaker who is internationally recognized for her work on the image of women in advertising and her critical studies of alcohol and baccy advertising.She is also credited with introducing the idea of educating about media literacy as a way to prevent problems she viewed as originating from mass media advertising campaigns. These include the concepts of the tyranny of the beauty ideal, the connection between the objectification of women and violence, the themes of liberation and weight control exploited in tobacco advertising aimed at women, th e targeting of alcoholics by the alcohol industry, addiction as a hunch forward affair, and many others.Hyperreality is generally defined as a condition in which what is real and what is fiction are blended together so that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins. It is a postmodern philosophy that deals in part with semiotics, or the study of the signs that surround people in everyday life and what they actually mean. Hyperreality is a way of characterizing what our consciousness defines as real in a world where a multitude of media can radically shape and filter an original event or experience.Hyperreality is exploited in advertising for almost everything, using a pseudo-world to enable people to be the characters they invite to be. Advertising sells the public through strong, desirable images, and many consumers secure into the brands point of view and products. If the consumer wants to be seen as a sex icon, he or she should buy the most expe nsive jeans as worn or designed by his or her favorite celebrity. Although the clothing itself has limited actual value, they symbolize a state of being that some consumers want.Every time a person enters a large shopping area with a certain theme, he or she may be entering a hyperreal world. Theme parks such as Disneyworld or the casinos in Las Vegas are hyperrealities in which a person can get confused for as long as his or her money lasts. There is no reality in these places, only a construct that is designed to represent reality, allowing the person to exist temporarily in a world outside of what is real. Sociobiology is a depicted object of scientific study which is based on the assumption that social behavior has resulted from evolution and attempts to explain and examine social behavior within that context.Often considered a branch of biology and sociology, it also draws from ethology, anthropology, evolution, zoology, archaeology, population genetics, and other disciplines . Within the study of human societies, sociobiology is very closely allied to the fields of Darwinian anthropology, human behavioral ecology and evolutionary psychology. Sociobiology investigates social behaviors, such as mating patterns, territorial fights, express hunting, and the hive society of social insects.It argues that just as selection pressure led to animals evolving useful ways of interacting with the natural environment, it led to the genetic evolution of plus social behavior. The Human Animal A Personal View of the Human Species is a BBC nature documentary series written and presented by Desmond Morris. Morris describes it as A study of human behavior from a zoological perspective. He travels the world, filming the diverse customs and habits of various regions while suggesting common roots. Stephanie Coontz studies the history of American families, marriage, and changes in gender roles.Her book The Way We Never Were argues against several common myths about families of the past, including the idea that the 1950s family was traditional or the notion that families used to rely all on their own resources. Granville Stanley Hall was a pioneering American psychologist and educator. His interests focused on childhood development and evolutionary theory. Halls major books were Adolescence Its Psychology and Its Relations to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime and worship (1904) and Aspects of Child Life and Education (1921).His book Adolescence, was based on the results of the Child Study Movement. Hall described his system of psychology, which he called genetic psychology. His ideas were influenced by Charles Darwin. In the book, Hall described the evolutionary benefits of development from the womb to adolescence. The book itself is divided into six sections biological and anthropological standpoint, medical standpoint, health and its tests, nubility of amend women, fecundity of educated women and education. Hall hoped that this book would become a guide for teachers and social workers in the education system.He was instrumental in the development of educational psychology, and attempted to determine the effect adolescence has on education. Hall believed that the pre-adolescent child develops to its best when it is not forced to follow constraints, but rather to go through the stages of evolution freely. He believed that before a child turned six or seven, the child should be able to experience how one lived in the simian stage. In this stage, the child would be able to express his animal spirits. The child is growing rapidly at this stage and the energy levels are high.The child is unable to use reasoning, show sensitiveness towards religion, or social discernment. By age eight, the child should be at stage two. This, Hall believed, is the stage where formal learning should begin. This is when the brain is at full size and weight. It is considered normal to be cruel and rude to others at this stage for the re asoning skills are still not developed. The child should not have to deal with moralization conflicts or ideas, his is not yet ready at this stage. The childs physical health is most important now. In the stage of the dolescent, the child now has a renascence into a sexed life. Hall argued that at this point, there should no longer be coeducation. Both sexes cant optimally learn and get everything out of the lessons in the strawman the opposite sex. And, this is when true education can begin. The child is ready to deal with moral issues, kindness, love, and service for others. Reasoning powers are beginning, but are still not strong. Hall argued that the high school should be a place similar to a peoples college so that it could be more of an ending for those who would not be continue their education to the next level.Coming of Age in Samoa is a book by American anthropologist Margaret Mead based upon her research and study of youth on the island of Tau in the Samoa Islands whic h in the beginning focused on adolescent girls. Mead was 23 years old when she carried out her field work in Samoa. First published in 1928, the book launched Mead as a pioneering researcher and the most famous anthropologist in the world. Since its first of all publication, Coming of Age in Samoa was the most widely read book in the field of anthropology, until Napoleon Chagnons Yanomamo The Fierce People took the lead in sales.The book has sparked years of ongoing and intense debate and controversy on questions pertaining to society, culture and science. It is a recognize text in the nature vs. nurture debate as well as issues relating to family, adolescence, gender, social norms and attitudes. Courtesy, modesty, good manners, conformity to definite ethical standards are universal, but what constitutes courtesy, modesty, very good manners, and definite ethical standards is not universal. It is instructive to know that standards differ in the most unexpected ways.Meads findings suggested that the community ignores both boys and girls until they are about 15 or 16. Before then, children have no social standing within the community. Mead also found that marriage is regarded as a social and economic arrangement where wealth, rank, and job skills of the husband and wife are taken into consideration. Erik Erikson was a German-born American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on psychosocial development of human beings. Erikson was a Neo-Freudian. He has been described as an ego psychologist studying the stages of development, spanning the entire ifespan. Each of Eriksons stages of psychosocial development is marked by a conflict for which successful fortitude will result in a favourable outcome, and by an important event that this conflict resolves itself around. The Erikson life-stage virtues, in order of the eight stages in which they may be acquired, are Basic trust vs. canonical mistrust This stage covers the period of infan cy. 0-1 year of age. Whether or not the baby develops basic trust or basic mistrust is not merely a matter of nurture. It is multi-faceted and has strong social components.It depends on the quality of the maternal relationship. The mother carries out and reflects their inner perceptions of trustworthiness, a sense of personal meaning, etc. on the child. If successful in this, the baby develops a sense of trust, which forms the basis in the child for a sense of identity. impropriety vs. Shame Covers earliest childhood Introduces the concept of autonomy vs. shame and doubt. During this stage the child is trying to master toilet training. Purpose Initiative vs. Guilt Preschool / 36 years Does the child have the ability to or do things on their own, such as dress him or herself?If guilty about qualification his or her own choices, the child will not function well. Erikson has a positive outlook on this stage, saying that most guilt is quickly even up by a sense of accomplishme nt. Competence Industry vs. Inferiority School-age / 6-11. Child comparing self-worth to others (such as in a classroom environment). Child can recognize major disparities in personal abilities relative to other children. Erikson places some emphasis on the teacher, who should ensure that children do not feel inferior. Fidelity Identity vs.Role astonishment Adolescent / 12 years till 20. Questioning of self. Who am I, how do I fit in? Where am I going in life? Erikson believes, that if the parents allow the child to explore, they will conclude their own identity. However, if the parents continually push him/her to conform to their views, the teen will face identity confusion. Intimacy vs. isolation This is the first stage of adult development. This development usually happens during young due date, which is between the ages of 20 to 24. Dating, marriage, family and friendships are important during the stage in their life.By successfully forming loving relationships with other people, individuals are able to experience love and intimacy. Those who fail to form lasting relationships may feel isolated and alone. Generativity vs. stagnation is the second stage of adulthood and happens between the ages of 25-64. During this time people are normally settled in their life and know what is important to them. A person is either making progress in their life history or treading deadly in their career and unsure if this is what they want to do for the rest of their working lives.Also during this time, a person is enjoying raising their children and participating in activities, that gives them a sense of purpose. If a person is not comfortable with the way their life is progressing, theyre usually regretful about the decisions and feel a sense of uselessness. Ego legality vs. despair. This stage affects the age group of 65 and on. During this time you have reached the last chapter in your life and retirement is approaching or has already taken place. more peopl e, who have achieved what was important to them, look back on their lives and feel great accomplishment and a sense of integrity.Conversely, those who had a difficult time during middle adulthood may look back and feel a sense of despair. Thomas Hine- The Rise and Fall of the American Teenager. A history of the American adolescent experience, and why it must change. Persistence of vision is the phenomenon of the eye by which an afterimage is thought to persist for approximately one twenty-fifth of a second on the retina. The Kinetoscope is an early motion picture exhibition device. The Kinetoscope was designed for films to be viewed by one individual at a time through a peephole dish window at the top of the device.The Kinetoscope was not a impression projector but introduced the basic approach that would become the standard for all cinematic projection before the advent of video, by creating the illusion of movement by conveying a strip of perforated film bearing sequential image s over a light source with a high-speed shutter. The Lumieres held their first private screening of projected motion pictures in 1895. Their first public screening of films at which admission was charged was held on December 28, 1895, at Salon Indien du Grand Cafe in Paris.This history-making presentation featured ten short films, including their first film, Sortie des Usines Lumiere a Lyon (Workers Leaving the Lumiere Factory). Each film is 17 meters long, which, when hand cranked through a projector, runs approximately 50 seconds. The Nickelodeon was the first type of indoor exhibition blank shell dedicated to showing projected motion pictures. Usually set up in converted storefronts, these small, simple theaters charged five cents for admission and flourished from about 1905 to 1915. A delineation palace is a erm used to refer to the large, elaborately decorated movie theaters built between the 1910s and the 1940s. The late 1920s saw the peak of the movie palace, with hundreds opened every year between 1925 and 1930. There are three building types in particular which can be subsumed under the label movie palace. First, the classical style movie palace, with its eclectic and luxurious period-revival architecture second, the atmospheric theatre which has an auditorium ceiling that resembles an open sky as its defining feature and finally, the wile Deco theaters that became popular in the 1930s.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Trinidad Education
In Trinidad, The Ministry of Education has the policy of shrive precept for all. They preach that this free education is non base on class, wealth, race, gender or ethnicity but rather is a way to ensure that the entire nation is educated. Though these are the promises on Trinidads and Tobagos Education Policy Paper, how is it that only nine of every one thousand people continue onto college, university or any higher education after utility(prenominal) naturalise? Twenty-one percent of Trinidadians live in poverty, which means that twenty-one percent of citizens do not have access to running water or proper health care.Because of this, many children in these poor families immediately enter the world of work or become beggars to help feed their family. This shows the importance of accessible class on the initial decision of whether a child will be educated or not. This is not common as only cardinal percent of Trinidads population is illiterate. I would categorize myself in the middle to high status class in my country and this has, in many ways affected my educational opportunities.I lived in a town known as Diego Martin and though my neighborhood mostly consisted of people within my same complaisant class, the town itself has many neighborhoods consisting of people living in poverty. Pre- cultivate education is not considered by governwork forcet policies and therefore, there are no public pre-schools and if a family wants to introduce their child in preschool they would have to do so privately and with their own money. This goes to show that the first aim of education in Trinidad is in fact not free.Because of this, my parents enrolled me in a private pre-school, which would indeed have to be paid for with their own money. This shows the immediate impact that class has on ones education from just the first steps. Pre-school in Trinidad usually takes about two years and here is where a child learns his numbers and letters and therefore these childr en living below the poverty line are somewhat robbed of these essential learning years.After this, a child must then be signed up for original school where he or he will spend the following seven years. There are two hundred and sixteen primary schools in the country, one hundred and sixty-three of which are funded by various religious institutions, thirty-two of which are funded by the government and therefore are completely free of charge, and twenty-one of which are privately run. I attended a privately run school as these had higher success rates in the sea or Secondary Entrance Assessment examination that all primary school students are prepared for in order to gain placement in the school of ones choice.Once again, though there is an availability of free primary level education, the members of the middle and higher social class lay their children to privately run schools in order to ensure that teachers are constantly present and not on strike due to low government wages, and that their children satisfy a more well-rounded education as there are funds now for sports and other recreational activities.Personally, attending a private school made me not only feel safe, as there were not usually guards present in government funded institutions due to high cost, but to to a fault gave me the opportunities to join different sporting teams and go on school outings to various national attractions and the necessary preparation to gain a placement in the standby school of my choice- the number one girls secondary winding school in Trinidad.The entrance examination is one aspect that I can truly say that had perfectly nothing to do with class, race or ethnicity as each student was given an identification number and placement into choice schools was done based on results. These secondary schools were again a seven-year course. Therefore, in total one should spend sixteen years at school in order to complete what is considered a general education but the averag e number of years spent at school in Trinidad is eleven.This means that the average student drops out of secondary school after two years. As a female in the top all girls institution, I became very gender bias as my school continuously obtained the most government scholarships year after year. Not only that, but nationally women received a significant number of scholarships more than the men did. This may have wrongly shaped my idea that women are in fact smarter than men based on what I experienced at home.third education for many Trinidadians is extremely class bias. There is one university known as the University of the West Indies and though it is extremely renowned in engineering and mathematical studies it can only facilitate a very small percentage of graduates every year. Therefore, if one wishes to study, he or she may have to look at schools abroad which is a huge expense for any family.Studying in the United States has been a great privilege for me that would never have been possible if I belonged to a lower social class. Overall, my social status granted me opportunities unimaginable for many residents in my country. Despite government efforts to better the education levels of the country there is still a lot to be done in order to meet the goal that class does not determine ones level or education.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Personal Statement CELTA TBI Essay
I would like the opportunity to partake in the CELTA course at TBI, so I am able to increase my knowledge and run across, whilst simultaneously being able to assist students in their testify understanding of the English language. By gaining the CELTA qualification at your institute, I will be equipped to continually encourage my students towards reaching their language goals by building on the foundation of knowledge they already have. My future aims and intentions are to train to be a teacher of extremely high standard, and once I have obtained my CELTA certificate and gained some more practical knowledge within schools I am particularly kindle in completing my Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE). The CELTA course would be greatly beneficial in helping me gain valuable experience in preparation for my future PGCE. Having lived in Jakarta for a few years, I am able to empathize with some the hardships involved in acquire a new language. It is important to build rapport with the student whilst still maintaining professionalism.As I am able to appreciate the difficulties each student whitethorn face, I feel this would contribute towards creating an enjoyable, yet fulfilling, learning environment. Allowing the students to see you (the teacher) as approachable and encouraging, whilst still upholding a professional relationship is a key verbal expression of encouraging students to pursue their language goals. I am a confident, hardworking, highly motivated team player, able to make decisions in a high squash environment. I understand the importance of diligence and role versatility when tailoring lesson plans to suit the strengths and weaknesses of each individual student. It is of great significance that these individually tailored lessons do not impact the whole class negatively, but rather, enable interaction between those students of a similar skill level. My previous involvement completing my bachelor leg and distance learning diploma, shows th at I am able to complete assignments to the highest standard I am able to achieve.For the distance learning Diploma, it was essential to point and manage my time productively, to ensure sufficient researching, planning and writing time were allocated accordingly, enabling me to complete each of the necessary components on schedule. Throughout my time at both University and College, I was a member of the student representative committees, liaising between the student body and departmental teams. This has helped me gain confidence and familiarity when dealing with my peers and those in high authoritypositions alike. I have learnt how to be patient and diplomatic when the need arises, as well as being able to ascertain when to use my own initiative. The opportunity to undertake studying my CELTA with your institution, allows me to not only better myself, but also the students that I will be teaching. I feel it is an extremely recognise course, and the large array of possibilities th at open up on completion of the CELTA, is endless and exciting. The knowledge and practical experience I would gain from obtaining a CELTA qualification is wide and would enable me to kick start my teaching career.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Psychology Paper â⬠Acts of Kindness Essay
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a perceive ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a carriage around. (Leo F. Buscaglia) A simple act of kindness can serenity ones fears, touch ones heart, and rekindle ones faith in humanity. Kind behavior is among one of the most portentous features a human can possess, however, as our lives become cluttered with all the burdens of our society, it becomes easy to lose track of what we live for.When my teacher presented the three acts of kindness pick up to us, I started to question whether I have been selfish or selfless in my everyday motives. I came to realize that performing random acts of kindness is something that of necessity to be incorporated more in my biography on a regular basis. Therefore, I was eager to get started with my 3 acts. I have locomote guilty to selfish acts more than I am proud to say. I have underestimated the simplicity of taking a couple seconds come appear of the day, to act on kindness, towards a complete stranger.With that being said, when I came across a homeless man, leaving Walmart, I had all intentions on doing my first act. As I turn down the window, to give the man money, I dug by my wallet and realized all I had left was a twenty dollar bill. I looked up to hint I did not have any money, but I could not get myself to tell him no. Along with the sadness and hurt you could see in his eyes, there was a sense of hope there as well. I took out the twenty and handed it to him. Never in my life have I been so proud. The warm sensation I got all over, knowing, not only did I shock the man, but I shocked myself, was worth(predicate) it.No amount of money would compare to the feeling I had right then. We as humans have a way with losing sight of the little things, that should be the outmost important. For example, until this project was presented, I would overlook the simplest acts of kindn ess others would do, almost as if I expected them to do it. I started to turn into a person I could not recognize, and would not be proud of. Therefore, I heady to take matters in my own hands. I was on the internet researching and came across a complaint called Progeria.Progeria is a rare genetic condition that produces rapid aging in children. There are less than a hundred kids in the whole innovation that currently suffer from this condition, making Progeria the rarest of rare diseases. After doing some research over it, I came to a website that allow others to become involved with Progeria fundraising. I decided I wanted to help advance their mission in finding a cure for children with this disease. I followed all the steps by printing out the papers to fill out, sending them back in, and waiting for a phone call.I received a phone call back and I result be holding a Progeria fundraiser, here in Tyler, Texas, at the beginning of the year. Sometimes citizenry need support an d encouragement, from those around them, to be reassured that people do care as do I. One day on my way to school I decided to send out a forward, through text, to everyone in my phonebook. I sent People will let you down, God neer will. I had many responses saying I absolutely love that summons and saying how beautiful it was. However, I had one response from a friend saying, how he needed to see that and thank you for sending it.For a couple age afterwards I sent a different text, along the same lines, every forenoon to him. I stopped sending the text one morning and did not hear from him for a while. A couple weeks later I woke up one day and have never felt more low-spirited than I did right then. I had received some news about my health that was not as good as we had hoped. At that moment I just wanted to give up and I was at, what I thought was, the end of the road for me. My phone goes off and I look at it. My twat friend that had thanked me for sending the text before sent me a message saying, No.Dont give up hope just yet. Its the last thing to go. When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope. Pittacus Lore. He told me that something told him to send me a text that morning randomly, like I had done so to him. At that moment I knew there was a reason I sent out those texts to my friends, weeks before. One act of kindness will lead to another act of kindness even if it takes a while. This reassured my faith in humanity by showing there is kindness out in the world.Though kindness should be unconditional and free from expectation, with only goodwill in mind, this is almost never the case. With these simple acts, we have the power to demolish our arrogant, hateful lifestyles that surrounds us, by potentially turning a life around one by one. These times of enjoyment could be multiplied if every one would live with a better conscientiousness of those around the m. I have come to realize that if you live your life being grateful and are considerate of those around you, your life will be much more prosperous.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
P&G vs Unilever Executive Summary
Unilever and P&G Comparative Analysis Executive synopsis The Consumer Products Industry is the biggest industry in the world at the moment, with total revenues amounting to about 50% of each goods sold. It is comparable to the GDP of the 4th biggest economy in the world, and entails al most(prenominal) of the products we use in our every day lives. There ar 3 key factors that drive the industry today developing markets, the emerging middle-class of developing countries and the millions of baby boomers in developed markets.The industry faces many challenges nonetheless, much(prenominal) as an increase in prices of raw materials, crude oil, crops and commodities especially oil prices the constant broaden of the industry caused by globalization and an increasing tendency for consumers to shop at mass-discount shops rather than the well-established companies within the Industry. The main players in this industry be Unilever, P&G, Nestle, Johnson &Johnson, PepsiCo, vitiate and Henkel. This report chargees on the comparative analysis of Unilever and P&G. Some of P&Gs most famous brands are Braun, Gillette, Oral-B and Pantene.These and the top 50% of most well known brands account for 90% of P&G sales and to a greater extent than 90% of its profits. Furthermore, 25 of these 50 brands go as far as generating more than $1 billion each in annual sales. Overall, the company markets its brands in everywhere 180 countries across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and the Asian region. despite the recent crisis, P&G continued to experience growth repayable to a strategy of investments in innovation, portfolio expansion, marketing support and consumer value. The company is analogouswise investing $2 billion in R&D annually.As for Unilever, the company owns more than 400 brands, and 2 million people use Unilever an product on any given day. Unilever is based in 100 countries and sells products into more than 150. The long-term goals are co ntinuous improvement and developing a sustainable business, and the company has over 6000 people working in R&D across the globe for a total of $1,3 billion worth of R&D investments in 2011. In terms of financial comparative analysis, market Ratios for both companies return that Unilever and P&G are attractive investments for investors.P&G has a higher EPS on second-rate and is a more preferable investment before long for investors looking for high returns. The market ratios also show that Unilever has been improving its earnings and has a higher earning capableness in the future as its EPS, P/E and payout ratio shed been improving over time. P&G on the other hand currently has a higher yield as shown by the Dividend Yield ratio but its performance seems to be declining gradually as evident by the declension Market Ratios.The Liquidity ratios of both companies clearly point out to the fact that the companies are non in a position to meet their immediate liabilities. However, this is not a matter of concern as both companies are large, stable and established businesses. The liquidity ratios show an adverse situation for the companies even though they are healthy otherwise. This is because the industry is such that the companies must have high current liabilities over extended periods of time and baseborn assets due to very fasting pedigree turnover rate.The consumer goods industry requires that a companys inventory turns be fast and the accounts payable be large over long periods of time to have a high level of efficiency and consequently profitability. It also assures both corporations a competitive edge and for this reason liquidity ratios must remain low which may seem unhealthy but in reality is helpful in this particular industry. From 2007 to 2011 Unilever consistently had higher growth rates in revenue, in operation(p) and net profit. During this time span P&G profit growth rates even were negative.This indicates that P&G is from an absolute po int of view quiet bigger and more profitable, but Unilever is catching up. A closer look at the profitability ratios shows that both companies are doing very well with gross ratios of 43,80% (Unilever) and 50,56% (P&G). These ratios are above the 40% industry aver ripen and especially P&G is very profitable. This first indication is consistent with the further analysis of profitability ratios such as the net profit margin, which is still is 5% higher for P&G than Unilever.So far P&G has managed the increasing pressure on margins due to increasing raw material prices more successful than Unilever, but has to adjust its cost-structure to stop the ongoing negative curl of the last five days. Regarding efficiency ratios like return on capital ratios the previous dominance of P&Gs financial performance cannot be confirmed. Instead, Unilever outperforms P&G in all efficiency ratios, like the return on invested capital (16,89% vs. 10,42%), the return on assets (11,26% vs. 8,99%) or the return on capital employed (16,66% vs. 14,06%) for the time span amongst 2007 to 2011.This indicates Unilever outstanding capabilities to allocate its resources to the most profitable investments and to use the assets as efficient as possible. In terms of the debt situation for P&G and Unilever, analysis has shown that Unilevers business is higher leveraged (D-E ratio 2,13) than P&Gs (1,09). This and the higher efficiency also explain why Unilevers return on integrity is much higher (36,06%) than P&Gs (18,78%). As a result of its high profitability and low debt-to-equity ratio, P&Gs sleeper goby ratio is also much higher than Unilevers (11,95 vs. ,61). The analysis has shown that P&G is a more conservative financed and highly profitable business whereas Unilever is more aggressive in terms of growth. Unilever already is highly efficient and has grown much faster than P&G over the last five years. If this trend is not reversed P&G will face increasing competition from Unilever in the close future. Weve calculated the average over five years for each companys activity ratios and compared them as such because these ratios seemed to be relatively stable over time.They also appear to be in term with the companies strategies and policies, starting with the Asset Turnover being proportional to the return on equity Unilever has a turnover almost double that of P&G. As weve mentioned earlier, fast inventory turnover is a characteristic of the industry, but Unilever seems to be doing better than P&G in these terms as well. We believe that Unilevers center on on food products gives it a higher Inventory Turnover (9,09) compared to P&Gs household products focus (5,41).This gives Unilever a lower average age of inventory. Unilever also has a higher Day Purchases Outstanding Ratio, meaning they stretch suppliers much more by taking 88,40 days to pays them, compared to P&Gs 65,48 days. Strictly speaking, we would expect P&G to display a higher bargaining power to do its much higher Revenue, but this ratio shows a different story. Reasons for this could be due to geography, both in terms of differences in local oversight and in local regulations, and to the diversity of suppliers induced by the focus on 50 or 300 brands.In terms of the Day Sales Outstanding Ratio, it is P&G that seems to have the better policy this time. They convert Accounts due to Cash in about 28 days versus 35 days for Unilever. Again, although smaller, this difference is important because it can reflect a difference in policies or diversity of suppliers. These two factors combined, low DSO and high DPO Ratios, lead to a negative Net Working Capital such as we had seen in our Walmart analysis. Compared to Assets, P&G has a negative NWC of -27% and Unilever of -20%.In conclusion, both companies show very strong financial health given the crisis, especially compared to the rest of the market. They are defensive values which show that their policies are working to resist the cri sis. In absolute terms P&G is doing better as a company because it is a bigger, stronger, established firm. In relative terms the ratios paint another picture though Unilever has been catching up to P&G in recent years, and their growth and financial management seems to be stronger than that of P&G.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Photography Research Paper
Section I A. Write the names of all the picture taking and photography-related careers that you are aware of. Wedding photography, Under-water photography, Sports photography, General photo careers. B. Then do a preliminary research and write the names of at least 5 more photography-related careers. Commercial photography Portrait and family photography Pet, Animal and wildlife photography Police, Law enforcement and criminal forensic imaging photography feeler photography C. Next, pick three of these careers and write three questions you bemuse about each. Portrait and family photography- What makes a great family photo?What composition techniques are about important when considering family photos. Is Family photography a good paying excogitate? is it popular? Underwater Photography- What equipment is recomended for use subaqueous. What is your preferent object to upshot pictures of under-water. What challenges are presented when taking photos under-water. Aerial Photograph y- How do you take pictures from an aerial view? what methods are utilize to get higher up? What makes for a good subject from an aerial view? How much money would an aerial photographer make normally? Section II A. Marine Photographer This job entails taking pictures under water. This job includes taking pictures underwater using either SCUBA or un-maned rovers with cameras. -Education and training requirements would include being SCUBA certified or certified to do whatever kind of diving needed to take the pictures. -The salary for a marine photographer in California is between 40, and 50,000$ -As an underwater photographer you are taking pictures of marine life for either research and survey purposes or simply to capture the beauty found in the ocean. Aerial Photographer Taking photos from top views such as pictures from an airplane looking down. Training for this job includes a Four year degree, you mustiness specialize in photography, Flight training is required as well as on -the-job sky photography training. -Salary for this type of photographer ranges from 50,000 200,000. -As an aerial photographer you may slip by your time personally contracting your work or taking pictures for a specific company. These photos may be used for Survey purposes or they may be per-request by a single person. This would be a difficult job to get into as it requires much training and experience. Portrait and family photography These photographers take pictures of populate, families, places, or events. photographers require a good eye for a picture and have excellent technical and photographic skills. They must have good communication and deal skills. Photographers must be good with computer programs such as photoshop and be commercially aware and good at marketing themselves. -Salaries for family photographers range between 12,000 and 50,000 a year or more. -These photographers may fall under a specialized type of photography focusing on family photographery or they ma y be global photographers taking a wide aray of pictures including portrait and family photography. B.Marine Photographer response from Robert Bailey Hi there, thanks for the kind words happy to help. How long have you been into photography? Since 1990, Ive always been interested in photography since the age of 10 and when I took up diving there was no question that I would be taking a camera in the water to bring back the amazing scenes and show people my discoveries. How did you get your start in photography? As a tiddler I always had the idea I would same(p) to draw and was complete crap I picked up a camera one day and agnize I could express my artistic self through a camera.Ive never looked back. I remember the first time someone referred to me as an artist as being very significant. What are your key interests within the business? Although I am not a professional my work has been published, and I have worked intermittantly on professional projects on land and underwater. I associate with a quite a few professionals. I am always interested to see what allots in the market. Youd be surprised by what sells, opposed to what people like to hang on their walls. Pricing yourself in the market is important. Many pros complain people slip away their images away and devalue the market.I am always interested in what companies are willing to pay for. I often consult with professionals before I sell images to magazines. Where do you do most of your work? The majority of my work is done in UK waters. I live and work in the UK so it makes sense to take advantage of all the area has to offer. I do work overseas periodically, but I prefer cooler climates. One goal I have is to dive under sea ice in the Arctic, or Antarctic. What do you enjoy most about this type of photography? Being underwater is like no other environs, theres no distraction with mobile phones, and people talking.I like the challenge of being able to dive in harsh environments and show people th e beauty, especially in the UK, as many feel its often dark and gloomy and theres no colour. What is the most important thing to remember to get a good image? The single most important element in getting a good underwater picture is to get close to your subject, more often than not a maximum of three feet for most subjects, sometimes inches away. It depends on the size of the subject you are shooting. Obviously a 30 foot basking shark is opposite than a one inch shrimp.The other thing is all about fancying light, whether you are using artificial light,, or natural light, or balancing the two. The next thing to consider is the background and whether the subject is accessible or not. We try very hard as underwater photographers to not damage the environment for the sake of a picture. What is your favorite photograph of your own and why? I dont have one particular favourite. This changes all the time as the obsession to honor creating new material. I like the close up pictures of Lemon sharks I have done in black and white. There are so many others, hard to say really.Some the ones which has won national competitions are no longer my favourites as I think I can do better now. What types of equipment would you propose for use under-water? My wife shoots with a Canon S95 and a simple housing, and make great pictures. I use a Nikon D300, Inon Z240 Strobes, and a variety of lenses. My my most used lenses are the Nikkor 60 mm macro for close up and small subjects. For wide angle work I use a Tokina 10-17mm. Id like to nisus good pictures are not about the equipment, its all about the photographer. People often look at a good image and say you must have a good camera.This isnt the case. The camera is a the tool, the photogapher is the craftsman. You dont have to spend a lot of money to get good pictures. You have to invest the time, understand the local conditions, and know your subject. What is your favorite object to take pictures of under water? There are too many to list. I like sharks, shrimps, seals, sea slugs, fish, divers, wrecks when the profile permits. What challenges are presented when taking photos under-water? First of all, we arent designed to be underwater. We are land creatures. So the first challenge is you need to be a skilled diver.All your equipment, bouyancy work in the water, air management needs to be spot on, otherwise you will never make a good image. Then theres the currents, tide, visibility, the cold, and the weather. Then theres the subject, most of which are always moving, and hardly ever where you want them, when you want them. I can honestly say making pictures underwater is probably more challenging than any other environment. I think this is why I am so obsessive about doing it, its not easy. I really hope this helps you. Am happy to discuss further after work of course. If you need some images I will help you out. Dont hesitate to call me.Regards, RB How I establish Robert Bailey I found Robert Bailey on UnderwaterPhotography. com C. Underwater photography as a career in photography seems like the most interesting choice. I am currently a diver and find I am most comfortable while in the water. The best thing about capturing an image of a diver in clear water is the fact that it looks as though the diver is flying. This is an unnatural environment for humans and can be dangerous and to be able to capture the beauty in it is amazing. Bibliography URL (www. robertbaileyphotography. com). Robert Bailey, 11-27-12 Bailey, Robert. Underwater photographer. 11-27-12
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Pan Africanism Essay
Pan-africanism has a dual character it is at the same time (i) an internationalist semipolitical purport and (ii) a socio-political world-view, a philosophical and ethnical umbrella concept, which seeks to correct the historical and cultural show uprage that Europe has perpetrated on the continent during the past several centuries.An international movementAs an international movement, the term denotes the forward-looking elements in Africa that have as their common remainder the unity of either Africans and the elimination of colonialism and white supremacy from the continent.The First Pan-African Congress was held in London in 1900, and was followed by others in Paris in 1919, in London and Brussels (1921), London and Lisbon (1923), and in New York City in 1927. These conventions were organized chiefly by W. E. B. Du Bois1 and att dismissed by the North American and West Indian black intelligentsia. These, however, did not propose immediate African independence, rather, they f avored gradual self-rule and interracialism.In 1944, several African organizations in London joined to form the Pan-African Federation, which for the first time demanded African autonomy and independence. The Sixth Pan-African Congress was convened in Manchester, England, in 1945, to which came future political leaders of Africa such as Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Kwame Nkrumah of the G grey-headed Coast, S. L. Akintola of Nigeria, and Wallace Johnson of Sierra Leone. At the Manchester congress, Nkrumah founded the West African National Secretariat to promote a so-called United States of Africa.Pan-africanism can alike be considered as an intergovernmental movement which was launched in 1958 with the First Conference of independent African States in Accra, Ghana. Ghana and Liberia were the only sub-Saharan countries represented the rest were Arab and Muslim.Thereafter, as independence was achieved by more African states, other interpretations of Pan-Africanism emerged, including the trade union of African States (1960), the African States of the Casablanca Charter (1961), the African and Malagasy Union (1961), the organization of Inter-African and Malagasy States (1962), and the African-Malagasy-Mauritius Common Organization (1964).In 1963 the Organization of African Unity (OAU) was founded to promote unity and cooperation among all African states and to bring an end to colonialism and by 1995, it had 53 appendages. The OAU struggled with border disputes, aggression or subversion against one member by another, separatist movements, and the collapse of order in member states.One of its longest commitments and greatest victories was the end of apartheid and the establishment of majority rule in South Africa. Efforts to promote even greater African economic, social, and political integration led to the establishment in 2001 of the African Union (AU), a successor organization to the OAU sculpted on the European Union. The AU fully superseded the OAU in 2002, aft er a transitional period.A socio-political world-viewPan-Africanism is also a sociopolitical world-view, which seeks to unify and uplift both native Africans and those of the African Diaspora, as part of a spherical African community.As originally conceived by Henry Sylvester Williams of Trinidad, pan-Africanism referred to the unity of all continental inkiness African cultures and countries. The concept soon expanded, however, to include all disconsolate African-descended people worldwide, who had been dispersed to the United States of America, the Caribbean, Latin America and even parts of the Middle East and South Asia through the trans-Atlantic and Islamic/East African slave trades and, later, immigration.More recently, the term has expanded to encompass the Dravidian Blacks of India, including the Tamil, Siddi, Kamil, Kanikar and others the Andamanese Island Negritos and the Black aboriginal populations of Australia, New Guinea and Melanesia. Pan-Africanism as a movement actu ally began in the West Indies, not Africa. Williams coined the term at the 1900 Pan-African Congress. To date, the Afro-Jamaican Marcus Garvey2 has led the largest pan-African movement in world history with his UNIA-ACL organization that he founded in Kingston, Jamaica in 1912, and Garveyism quickly spread in the United States when he moved his headquarters to Harlem in 1914.Pan-Africanism in essence means the unity of all Black African descended people worldwide irrespective of ethnicity/culture or nationality. The Rastafarian movement of Jamaica grew out of pan-Africanism, when Marcus Garvey declared look to Africa for the crowning of a Black king the Rastas looked to Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia. (Ironically, Garvey criticized Selassie on many issues). overly a branch of the pan-African movement is the Afro-centric movement, of whom Cheikh Anta Diop and his idealogical son Molefi Kete Asante are the champions. This movement centers on reexaming African history from a pro-African perspective as opposed to the a pro-European one, a return to traditional African concepts and culture and frequently espouses the view that Egypt and round other civilizations were and should be acknowledged as having Black African origin. Also associated with pan-Africanism is Black Nationalism.During apartheid in South Africa there was a Pan Africanist Congress that dealt with the oppression of Black South Africans chthonian White apartheid rule. Other pan-Africanist organizations include Garveys Universal Negro Improvement Association-African CommunitiesPan-Africanism is often criticized for overlooking the cultural and ethnic differences as well as different socio-political circumstances.Role of Pan-africanism in the modern history of AfricaThe eccentric that pan African movement has played in minimizing inter-governmental conflicts and civil war- like situations in some African countries has been very significant. The restriction of the page limit for the essay does not pe rmit me to go into the expatiate of these conflicts. However, the pivotal role that the movement played in the proposals to reform the United Nations Organization deserves more than a cursory mention.The campaign for the proposed reforms of the United Nations protection Council (UNSC), while producing fireworks around the world, has also opened up old historical wounds and heightened regional rivalries in Africa.The hottest rivalries have been in Asia, particularly between India and Pakistan, and between Japan, South Korea and China, just Africa has also exhibited some kind of divisions along regional and language lines as countries scramble for permanent seating room in the Security Council.African countries jockeying for the permanent seats have been South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt and Libya. To that list, Senegal has been the latest addition, The African Union (AU) is flummoxed as to which of its member states to endorse, and has yet to establish the criteria to be used f or selecting African countries to the reformed Security Council. The innovation of Senegal into the race has only increased the dilemma, and is an indication of the AUs indecision. In creating this leadership vacuum, the AU is exit the selection of who will represent Africa on the expanded UN Security Council to be determined by immaterial busybodies and regional power struggles.A working group that was appointed in January 2005 during the Abuja Summit of the African Union to make recommendations on the proposed UN reforms presented its report to the Foreign Ministers on March 7, 2005 in Addis Ababa, but was deafeningly smooth on the selection criteria for Security Council permanent seats.What the AU stands to gain from a reformed Security Council tally to the Ezulwini Consensus, which was adopted by the AU Foreign Ministers as Africas common position on UN reform, Africas goal is to be fully represented in all the decision-making organs of the UN, particularly in the Security C ouncil, which is the principal decision-making organ of the UN in matters relating to international peace and security.Many observers feel that the UNSC is now more important than ever to Africa, particularly concerning matters of intervention in the conflicts occurring within the region. A consensus as to the criterion of UNSC membership is the least(prenominal) expected of the African States.ReferencesKadiatu Kann, African Identities Race, Nation and Culture in Ethnography, Pan-Africanism and Black Literatures, ROUTLEDGE, LONDON, 1998.Kwame Anthony Appiah, In My Fathers House Africa in the Philosophy of Culture, Oxford University Press, 1992
Monday, May 20, 2019
Communication Styles â⬠Analysis of a Special Interaction Essay
The paper is an summary of the special fundamental interaction between a Noble and a Reflective. The analysis is a process to see how colloquy titles affect the interaction, and how ever-changing ones flair when communicating with a nonher style hobo result in antithetic outcomes. This paper illustrates how I adjusted my communication style to adapt my boyfriends communication style and how the result changed. The paper addresses the following 1) A description of the interaction, 2) An analysis the interaction, and 3) Conclusion.see moredescribe how to take polar communication abilities and needs of an individual with dementiaA description of the interactionThe specific interaction I want to demonstrate is the interaction between my boyfriend, Tony, and me. Because we exhaust different communication styles, we sometimes cope and get mad at each other. He is a straight forward person he tells me right away what I am doing wrong. As a Noble, Tony is precise decisive. He com parables to be nubble of every discussion. In contrast, I have a Reflective style I tend to be quiet. I love spending time alone I think deeply and do not make decisions quickly.The interactionThe following scenario is an illustration of our communication styles. The interaction took place late at iniquity two weeks ago at the Home Depot store where Tony and I went to buy some fixtures for my room. We went internal the store he grabbed the products he needed quickly, while I took my time looking around. I showed him the lax I had chosen and he said, It is not a night light. Lets go oer another row. He held my hand and tested to move quickly to another row, but I pushed his hand away and stood in the same area. He went by himself and said, We have to hurry up, or we can come back tomorrow. I was very angry, but I did not say anything. Finally, I went to the cashier, and I saw him holding a pretty night light in his hand.The impact of different communication styleAlthough he still helped me choose the night light, his behavior made me feel like he was rushing me and did not care about me. He thinks he knows what I want, and he should have asked me what kind of light I needed. If I chose the wrong one, he should have explained what kind of light I needed. He acted as if he needed to make the decision for me because I was taking too long.An analysis of the interactionLast week, Tony helped me repaint my room and we went to the Home Depot to purchase colors and painting tools. Tony was very unhappy because I took too long to decide the paints. He also complained why I did not plan ahead of time. In the meantime, I decided to speak out what I was thinking sort of of being quiet and doing my own thing. I told Tony that he should have helped me on selecting the paints because the color I treasured was not available and the instruction of choosing and mixing colors in the store was confusing me. I draw what kind of color I wished to use for my room and asked him for advice. I also talked to Tony directly that I tried to ignore his offended comments, but those unconscious words irritated me. Tony originalized his unintentional attitudes made me distract and he said apologize to me. We both felt like we removed the communication style prohibition between us after the frank conversation and we finished shopping and painting my room successfully. I will remind myself to use this method in our future conversations to prevent conflicts and arguments.ConclusionLearning the communication styles concept has helped me better understand the way people interact. Each person has a distinct style of communication which has both good and bad aspects. Any miscommunication can cause unexpected outcomes, but if I can adjust or control my communication style, I can predict the result of most interactions. Therefore, I recognize that learning and understanding other styles and applying what I have learned in real life will help to bring good results.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Servicescape in the frazier museum and the louisville free public library
Servicescape is defined as, the environment in which the service is delivered and where the loaded and the customer interact. (Baker and Cameron 1996) It encompasses several factors related to the auction pitch of service which includes all the physical, behavioral, and emotional aspects that surround services delivery. However, with from individually one type of service, various factors must be considered in order to gauge the quality of the servicescape in the delivery of the state service.For instance, the delivery of services of the Frazier Museum and the Louisville habitual library are distinct in several ship canal. Although both companies deliver educational and informational services to the market, they have different ways of delivering the said services to their clients.The Frazier Museum allows its visitors to take a peek into American History. It allows its visitors to understand and value better the various events that have shaped the country to what it is today. T he museum delivers much(prenominal) service through different ways. For one, there are exhibition halls where important and valuable artifacts are on display. Also, the museum rears its patrons with various interpretation exhibitions of different historical events. Advance audio-visual equipment are also a vital dower in the delivery of the museums services for it makes the bring more synergetic.On the other hand, the Louisville Free Public Library employs traditional methods to deliver the information needs of its clients. The subroutine library is well-equipped with the necessary tools in order to provide its clients with the information that they seek. Various collections of books are the primary sources of information that the library delivers but these are supplemented with various audio-visual equipment. Furthermore, the library classifies its sections depending on the user.This means that there is a childrens section which contains materials devoted solely to children. Also, the library provides various tools to ensure that their handicapped and disabled patrons still get to enjoy the librarys services. Although the library provides a complete range of services, it lacks in ways by which they can attract more users and visitors.This is where the Frazier Museum has the advantage. The museum constantly seeks ways of improving its servicescape so as to attract more visitors. Also, it constantly changes in order to make the experience of visiting the museum more enjoyable and fruitful each and every time.The Frazier Museum has the advantage over the Louisville Public Library when one considers the servicescape of each. The museum has the ability to give its visitors the experience that they want when the visit. Moreover, the museum is able to incite the patriot within each visitor and make him realize again the profound history of the very nation to which he belongs to.As earlier mentioned, the emotional factor is a vital component in servicescape. Fu rthermore, since the museums main hind end market is composed of tourists and students, especially kids, it is able to ensure that the experience is enjoyable through various interactive tools. In other words, the environment in delivering the services of the museum is inline with its target market by addressing the needs of the said market. Finally, the dynamic environment of the museum ensures that it is able to readjust itself depending on the changing needs of its target market.ReferenceBaker, J. and Cameron, M. (1996), The effect of the Service Environment on Affect and Consumer Perception of Waiting Time An Integrative Review and query Propositions, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 24, Number 4,
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